Manchester Histories Festival Logo


Frequently Asked Questions


  • So what is the Manchester Histories Festival?
    Manchester Histories Festival is a one day spectacular celebration of the Histories of Manchester, featuring historical displays, public talks, guided walks, family activities, archive films, musical shows, schools projects, ask the expert sessions and more!

  • Where and when is the Manchester Histories Festival being held?
    Manchester Histories Festival is being held in Manchester Town Hall on March 21st 2009, 10am - 5pm

  • How much will it cost me to attend?
    Entrance to the Manchester Histories Festival and all activities, including the walks and talks, are free!

  • How do I get to the Manchester Histories Festival?
    Information on how to find the Town Hall, where the Festival will be located, can be found on the Manchester City Council Website

  • Do I have to book in advance?
    No, entrance to the displays of the Histories Festival is open to everyone, however some events, such as the talks and guided walks are ticketed. Some tickets will be available on the day, though if there's something you really want to see you might be best booking in advance.

  • How do I book tickets for talks?
    Tickets for talks and walks will be available to book online through the Manchester Histories Festival website, starting in mid-February. You'll also be able to book via post if you don't have internet access (though as you're reading this that's not likely to be a problem for you!) A limited number of tickets for walks and talks will be available on the day and all other activites are non-ticketed

  • Will there be things for children to do?
    The Manchester Histories Festival is a Family Friendly festival, so there will be activities to suit everyone - and that includes children! However, children should be accompanied at all times by a parent or carer as we have no crèche or child care facilities.

  • Will there be refreshments?
    Yes, there will be a café open in the Town Hall on the day

  • Why is it called the Histories Festival and not the History Festival?
    We chose Histories because it emphasises the fact that Manchester's past is not made up of a single history, but is the combination of countless thousands of individual histories - histories of people, institutions, communities, technologies, activities...

  • Can I help out at the Manchester Histories Festival?
    Yes! Check our volunteers page to find out how you can take part in the Festival.


  • Can my local history group take part?
    We have already attracted so much interest from historical societies and organisations that our space is extremely tight and we are unlikely to be able to accommodate any further groups. However, please get in touch anyway and if we can't fit you in we'll at least be able to supply you with extra information and to make accommodation for you at future Histories Festivals!

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